Rules & Policies
Read On For More Details About Playing for Gambeta and Club Policies/Rules

Rules and Policies
Conduct within all facilities and on all fields should be within the spirit of good sportsmanship.
Individuals participating in Gambeta F.C. events do so at their own risk. Gambeta F.C. organizers assume no liability for any injuries or accidents, which may occur during Gambeta F.C. events.
No individual will be allowed to participate in any league games, practice session, tournament, clinic, open pick-up game, or other activities until a release form has been properly completed and signed. The facility waiver can be signed online or in print form.
Playing sports can be a hazardous activity and unfortunate things can happen. You are contractually agreeing that you have signed our liability release and that you are waiving your rights to file a lawsuit against us. You accept the conditions of the fields, courts, and other surfaces, and also any unforeseen situations that may occur. If you are uncomfortable with any of these conditions, you can choose not to play or participate in our league or other activities.
Gambeta F.C. reserves the right to refuse play or membership to anyone that does not comply with the rules and regulations herein.
Any fighting will result in permanent banishment the group.
All new members that do not show up to their first RSVP’d event will be removed from the group. Individuals that register with the group will be placed in a Gambeta F.C. database so that your contact and emergency contact information is on file. Upon sign up, all new members are required to pay a $15 annual non-refundable fee. These membership dues help cover the administrative costs of the organization. New members will not be eligible to play until they pay the $15 membership fee. All additional money will be used for Gambeta F.C. equipment.
We try to keep costs at a minimum for members and because of this, all members must be flexible regarding field size and availability. We do everything we can to ensure equal playing time for paying members. Depending on field and facility availability, additional costs may be required for play. Information regarding field/membership costs will be distributed by Gambeta F.C. organizers as appropriate.
Rubber molded cleats, turf shoes, and tennis shoes are allowed. Shin guards are recommended but not required for play.
Individuals are expected to play under control and within the rules of the game, and to the best of their ability will avoid causing injury to themselves and other persons using the facility. Slide tackling is not allowed. Players that slide tackle will be banned from the group after one warning.
Referees, if appointed to officiate a game, have complete authority on the field of play, and their decisions on points of fact connected with the game are final. Constructive comments regarding officiating are welcome and encouraged. Please submit any such comments or complaints in writing via email.
Gambeta F.C. organizers will determine teams and will do their best to create equal teams
Game Length: Game length will be determined by the group organizers. We will do our best to provide all players with equal playing time.
Slide Tackling:
Slide tackling is not allowed.
Email us at gambetafootballclub@gmail.com with questions or concerns.
When & Where We Play
Outdoor Season
May - Septembe
Twice a Week Between 6pm-10pm for 2 hours (Check Schedule Tab for Complete info)
Game Format
8 v. 8 | Including Keeper
3 - 30-min. games
Greater Boston (check meetup for location)
Check our MeetUp Page for details
Format may vary depending on final membership numbers.
INDOOr Season
October - April
Week Days 8pm-10pm
Game Format (All Players Wednesday & Thursdays)*
5 v. 5 | Including Keeper
Six 10-min. games (for each team)
Greater Boston (check meetup for location)
Check our MeetUp Page for details
Format may vary depending on final membership numbers.